
My little pony story of the blanks game
My little pony story of the blanks game

my little pony story of the blanks game

Colon Cancer: Before the game's title was changed to Friendship is 8-bit: Story of the Blanks, it was My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic: Story of the Blanks.Call It Karma: The entire town is cursed into becoming Nightmares for what happened to Ruby.Burn the Witch!: Clearly what these ponies thought when they saw that magnifying glass.Blessed with Suck: Since the ponies in Sunny Town murdered those with cutie marks and those indicated you had discovered your special talent, the only way not to be murdered was by never figuring out what you were best at.Big 'NO!': Applebloom's reaction to finding Ruby's bones in the fireplace.As the zombies are closing in on Ruby and Apple Bloom, Twilight shows up and saves her.During the Nightmares' chase of Apple Bloom, Mitta arrives just in time and pulls a You Shall Not Pass! to prevent her undead neighbors from catching up with their target.According to the creator of the game, 'Since she was otherwise so calm and reserved, it only made sense to make her insanely quick.' Beware the Quiet Ones: The Level Editor reveals that the fast Nightmare is Starlet.Back from the Dead: All of the residents in Sunny Town, plus Ruby.When Apple Bloom is in danger, this time she takes the chance to do what she did not, and protects the filly from the pursuing Nightmares. She didn't protect Ruby from being killed when she got her Cutie Mark, and as a result she spends her now undead existence lamenting her failures. The two Nightmares who appear with Roneo at the front of Sunny Town are both also Roneo, which may be a case of Self-Duplication.The fast Nightmare is Starlet, making her a case of Beware the Quiet Ones.The skeletal Nightmares are called Bone Fiends.The zombie ponies are called Nightmares.All There in the Script: The Level Editor reveals a few names and identities:.At the end of the game when Apple Bloom escapes Sunnytown, Twilight had been so worried that she doesn't even get mad at her for wandering off, just glad that she found her again. Twilight took her eyes off of Apple Bloom to get rid of some logs in their path, but by then Apple Bloom has disappeared, lured into the Everfree Forest by Ruby's spirit.This all when talking about the remake of a fangame that takes about fifteen minutes to play from start to finish.

my little pony story of the blanks game

Exaggerated: At some point, they were talking about making it with original characters so that (besides avoiding getting a cease and desist from Hasbro) they could hire paid voice actors, have more mature situations and jokes note, and create toys and other merchandise. The HD Remake, going by this swimming animation and a comment from someone working on the game, new content will be added.

My little pony story of the blanks game